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HMC : Gentoo is working!
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Author:  lugduweb [ Fri May 26, 2006 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  HMC : Gentoo is working!

Hi !

At last, I have a booting gentoo with gnome, kde and all basic stuff !
It's not finished, but I'm happy because it took me a very long time and I want to thank everybody who have helped (Pieter, nixnut, lu_zero, frostwork, bugzilla... ;-) )

MythTV & ivtv (0.4.2) drivers are now installed.
I still have to plug in my Hauppauge PVR 350 and configure it... (I did it on x86/Ubuntu... Hope it will be almost the same).

As you know, I plan to make a Home media center tutorial in the Pegasos book if it successes (based on Pieter's one) :-)

But I still have a few issues anyway :
- lirc can't merge (but I'm not sure it's needed as my remote control is a Hauppauge and I have a IR sensor plugged at the back of this board) ??? Is it ?

- splashutils can't merge too but it's not important right now (error with "klibc") - edited : it works with 2.6.16 kernel.

I also have other issues with Eclipse SDK and OpenOffice already listed in Working with Gentoo on PPCZone.org.

Note also that I tried to use Xorgautoconfig to build a xorg.conf.
But startx was not working with that so I copied/paste my Ubuntu xorg.conf and it finally worked.
So, X is working, but I would like to know how to make that clean for the tutorial.

Thank you again for support and helping a gentoo-newbie.

Author:  pvdabeel [ Fri May 26, 2006 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Geoffrey,

Configuring ivtv should be the same as on x86. As for lirc, I can have a look at it if you paste the output of the emerge here. Great work!


Author:  lugduweb [ Sat May 27, 2006 1:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Pieter,

Thank you for your help again :-)
My Hauppauge PVR350 is now again in my Pegasos and I'm now trying to emerge lirc with the 2.6.16-gentoo-r5 kernel as splash works with this one, but I still have the same error :

Here is the log :
configure: error: *** it is not possible to install the specified driver
on this system

!!! Please attach the config.log to your bug report:
!!! /var/tmp/portage/lirc-0.8.0/work/lirc-0.8.0/config.log

!!! ERROR: app-misc/lirc-0.8.0 failed.
!!! Function econf, Line 495, Exitcode 0
!!! econf failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.

Author:  lu_zero [ Sat May 27, 2006 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

please use bugzie ^^;
I cannot reproduce the issue again.
please attach in a bug to me your lirc config.log

Author:  lugduweb [ Sun May 28, 2006 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

done and solved !
You have this error when you use bad LIRC_OPTIONS flags in your /etc/make.conf.

bugzilla is really helpfull !

Author:  magnetic [ Sun May 28, 2006 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can one of you guys please make some sort of snapshot of the installation with Partimage or so? This way other Pegasos and ODW users can install it easily without days and possibly weeks of compiling and work??



Author:  lugduweb [ Sun May 28, 2006 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, frostwork is going to do this with Enlightenmedia ;-)

Author:  nixnut [ Mon May 29, 2006 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

FYI: here is a script to easily create a backup of a gentoo installation. The resulting tarball can be used simply as a backup or for duplicating an install on other machines with a compatible hardware configuration.

Author:  lugduweb [ Mon May 29, 2006 11:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's going to be very helpful for me after severals weeks of hard-gentoo install (but now I'm becoming an ""expert"" and could do it again with blind eyes, no ? ;-) )

Author:  lugduweb [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi !

I really starting to believe I'm becoming an **expert** with Gentoo :-). I guess that most of my previous problems were link to a bad knowledge of USE keys, init levels, compiling gentoo kernel and 'emerge -Na world' command...

But, now I really believe Gentoo is a very good Linux distrib. At the moment, I feel that I like it more than I used to like Ubuntu before (maybe because I had to tune it a lot to make it work ;-) ).

So now, my multimedia system with MythTV is working great (well almost great as I was having a few sound problems while ripping and playing back Audio CDs and also have something strange with my Hauppauge remote control : only the numbers keys are working inside MythTV, but outside every key is working great with irw...).
The only "real black point" is that xmltv is not retrieving french channels info :-(

But I want to say that MythTV is really a very good and impresive software !
I love the time shifting feature. Too bad, that I don't have a dual tuner card to test extra features...

MythTV is so good, that I'm doing another install on my PC this time :-). I'm going to compare it with Media Portal (which I've discovered yesterday and which is working on x86/windows).
I've switched my PVR350 for a BT878 in the Pegasos. Hope that it will also work well.

Last note : I have many many notes to make a tutorial... But I have to sort it all first !

Author:  lu_zero [ Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

The gentoo media (video) team would be delighted to have it in our documentation resources.

Ping me when you have time =)

Author:  lugduweb [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, it will be more or less something based on many tutorials already available on the net, with the following points :

- Intro, info about Genesi HMCS
- Components required to make a home made media center
(pegasos board, chosing a PVR card, IR remote control, ...)
- understanding emerge usage, USE flags and portage utilities
- using bugzilla and gentoo forums when you have problems
- gentoo basic install
- building a kernel
- alsa
- ivtv
- lirc
- mysql
- mythtv

big big work to do, but all the info is already available on the net :-)

Author:  bbrv [ Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

We are going to make this the Power.org TEST build. This will create the possibility to have one common interface/development environment for the new Home Media Server TSC in Power.org. Pieter Van den Abeele will serve as Genesi's representative.

R&B :D

Author:  lugduweb [ Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I've done the same install (Linux Gentoo + MythTV) on a x86 and found the base system installation easier, but I did not use the same CD...
I now believe that starting from stage1 like I did on Pegasos is not a good idea for 95% of users.

And about the tutorial... Well nothing is done yet :-(

The things which worries me is that it's difficult to make a reliable tutorial as things are always moving on Gentoo as there is no snapshot version.
For example on x86, the xorg 7.0 install broke all my system.
I haven't tried it again on Pegasos (last time it was not working and was terrible !).
Maybe that would be better to make a higher level guide with links on up to date wiki pages :-/

Author:  ironfist [ Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Geoffrey: X7 works without problems here on my Peg. You have to
read the X.org Migration Documentation at gentoo.org. It will break

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