Power Developer

lirc & mplayer
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Author:  aenima [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  lirc & mplayer


happy new year :).

I've intalled Debian armhf image on the SSD of the smarttop and upgraded to official Sid armhf keeping efika kernel.

Everything work very well..

I can play mplayer on my 1080pi TV with SIIHDMI at 1280x720@50.
Sometime I've to reduce the movie resolution but it keeps good quality. As I said in an other post I'll try to compil Xbmc for armhf.

I want to use a remote control with mplayer using lircd on a ftdi receiver.
When I run irw alone I can see the code of the remote control but if mplayer is running at the sametime irw recieve/print no code.
I've thought about an USB bus congestion but I can use my logitech Dinovo Mini connected with usb dongle without any problem even runing mplayer.

I've you an idea about what is blocking lircd remote control code reading or point me the way to search ?

Thank you.


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