Power Developer

i.mx53 Efika MX
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Author:  bbrv [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  i.mx53 Efika MX

This email was posted to all imx51 Project Developers today...


You are receiving this email because you are either a PowerDeveloper or a member of the Linaro Team and you have received complimentary Efika MX hardware from Genesi.

New Genesi hardware is on the way! The new Efika MX products are based on the imx53 from Freescale:


PowerDevelopers: Please update your Project Blogs!


Linaro Team Members: Please see Konstantino Margaritis at the Linaro Developer Summit in Budapest, May 9-13.

Priority will be given to those that have participated in PowerDeveloper Forums and posted Project Blogs.

Also, please let us know if you are interested in using the existing imx51 based hardware to establish an ARM Build System such as recently done by the Fedora Community:

http://paulfedora.wordpress.com/2011/04 ... -smarttop/

Finally, Genesi is a proud Sponsor of the Freescale Technology Forum 20-23 June.


We will be hosting a couple of special events at FTF 2011. If you plan to be in San Antonio and you would like to be included, please let us or any of the Genesi folks copied on this email know.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Raquel Velasco & Bill Buck

Author:  jcmarcos [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, one always has to congratulate when such an achievement is made. Here are the enhancements I've found in i.MX 535 over the old i.MX 535:

- Faster Cortex A8 (1000 or 1200 Mhz instead of 800).

- Faster video codecs (1080 decode and 720 encode instead of 720 decode).
- Two camera inputs (instead of one).

- Faster RAM controller (DDR3 instead of DDR2).

Which form factors is Genesi studying? Which markets?

Author:  blu [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, one always has to congratulate when such an achievement is made. Here are the enhancements I've found in i.MX 535 over the old i.MX 535:

- Faster Cortex A8 (1000 or 1200 Mhz instead of 800).

- Faster video codecs (1080 decode and 720 encode instead of 720 decode).
- Two camera inputs (instead of one).

- Faster RAM controller (DDR3 instead of DDR2).
Don't forget the faster GPUs (166->200MHz) and larger embedded mem pool on the z430 (128KB->256KB). That combined with the notably better host ram bandwidth can only mean good for graphics (as long as the faster CPU does not eat up the bw : )

Author:  robyinno [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Other improvment:
FSB is 400Mhz instead 200Mhz
Max RAM is 2GB instead 512MB,
Support SATA II, over the PATA,
Higher output resolution and number of colors...
Hey, one always has to congratulate when such an achievement is made. Here are the enhancements I've found in i.MX 535 over the old i.MX 535:

- Faster Cortex A8 (1000 or 1200 Mhz instead of 800).

- Faster video codecs (1080 decode and 720 encode instead of 720 decode).
- Two camera inputs (instead of one).

- Faster RAM controller (DDR3 instead of DDR2).
Don't forget the faster GPUs (166->200MHz) and larger embedded mem pool on the z430 (128KB->256KB). That combined with the notably better host ram bandwidth can only mean good for graphics (as long as the faster CPU does not eat up the bw : )

Author:  amery [ Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

awesome! any estimation about when will one be able to buy a unit?

Author:  bbrv [ Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hopefully in July 2011. Boards and samples will be available sooner.


Author:  freak132 [ Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Is the Pixel Qi display option still planned for launch or is that a possibility after launch?

Author:  bbrv [ Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:22 am ]
Post subject: 

...after. Our first goal is the lowest-cost. The current Pixel Qi screen nearly doubles the cost. Nevertheless, we will add it as an option as long as the size of the display does not require a case-work change. We are trying to plan for that now, but the future Pixel Qi display dimensions are still in a state of flux. It is not as easy as it all sounds.

R&B :)

Author:  albertux [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  MX53 with pixel QI

...after. Our first goal is the lowest-cost. The current Pixel Qi screen nearly doubles the cost. Nevertheless, we will add it as an option as long as the size of the display does not require a case-work change. We are trying to plan for that now, but the future Pixel Qi display dimensions are still in a state of flux. It is not as easy as it all sounds.

R&B :)
I wish to have mx53 with pixelQI aboard... 8)
It is a MUST for working outside, at sunlight..

It is time for pre-order or it is too early?
Any estimation about when we will be able to buy a unit? July? Too late.... :-)

Double cost? People, I saw a pixelQI Adam's of my dear friend....well...it's really amazing outside home..
I suggest selling with ONLY with pixelQi instead normal normal backlight LCD.

Outside EVERY lcd, amoled, slcd, is unusable....


Author:  johnson [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

How does the mx53 smartbook compare to the 51 performance wise? For example how long would a bunzip2 linux-xxxx.tar.bz2 > /dev/null take from file cache compareed to the current one?

Author:  bbrv [ Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The imx53 Efika MX top, book, and tablet perform many times better, but they are not here yet nor can they be purchased until after the Freescale Technology Forum in June -- and then only the smartbook.

In the mean time, we know now that most of what we do today will work much, much better on the imx53 Efika MX products. But, that is not the best news...

Stay tuned!

R&B :)

Author:  blu [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Amidst all the mx51-vs-mx53 chatter, I will just say that the mx51 smartbook has officially reached the status of my most-used personal computer (AKA productivity electronic device) this month. That includes use outdoors - in the sun & shade, and indoors - in normal room conditions as well as in conditions harmful to active-cooling systems (think construction sites rich on abrasive and clogging dust particles). In my rough estimates, about 75% of my work over the month has occurred on the smartbook. That includes coding, building, testing and debugging of graphics-related stuff. Add to that the normal dose of web consumption, youtube and radio streaming (previously done on a tablet which is now left to the kids for edutainment), and the only two daily computer-related routines I don't do on the smartbook (or the smarttop, in those rather rare moments I sit at my desk) are make phone calls or play games - I still prefer the old-fashioned phones and game consoles : )

/just sharing some personal experience; disregard if you think it shows bias.

Author:  Eridger [ Sat May 07, 2011 1:39 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm very excited about this imx53 product line! Is there any more information that has been released just yet? Estimated price, specifically? Or release date? I want to be the first in line to order one of these units! I'm nearly tempted to buy the current smartbook to hold me over while I wait.

Sorry if posting on this thread is unwelcome or unwanted. This place seems quite a bit more professional than the openpandora boards which I came from. I hope I haven't made a mistake in my first post.

Author:  PurpleAlien [ Sat May 07, 2011 2:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Ethan, and welcome to PowerDeveloper!
I'm very excited about this imx53 product line! Is there any more information that has been released just yet? Estimated price, specifically? Or release date? I want to be the first in line to order one of these units! I'm nearly tempted to buy the current smartbook to hold me over while I wait.
Sorry, we can't release any specific information at this time due to contract obligations, NDA's, etc. Rest assured, as soon as we can, we will release all the details you want.
Sorry if posting on this thread is unwelcome or unwanted. This place seems quite a bit more professional than the openpandora boards which I came from. I hope I haven't made a mistake in my first post.
Not at all. PowerDeveloper is a very open place with people with all kinds of backgrounds. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Author:  kgardas [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New imx53 Efika MX

Also, please let us know if you are interested in using the existing imx51 based hardware to establish an ARM Build System such as recently done by the Fedora Community:

http://paulfedora.wordpress.com/2011/04 ... -smarttop/

I've just submitted project proposal for using EfikaMX for GHC builder system, it's here: http://projects.powerdeveloper.org/project/imx515/819 -- if you have more available, then this will be even better since complete GHC build on ARM takes *hours* to make. Currently I'm building on GCC Farm's overloaded EfikaMX, the build is not done yet, but runs for third day already...


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